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Yotako uses state of the art technology to translate any mobile or website design into a ready-to-use source code.
Turning an application design into code for iOS Swift, iOS Objective-C, HTML/CSS, and Android (more coming soon) starts in one of two ways:
By uploading a design you’ve created from Adobe XD, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Balsamiq, etc.
By using Yotako Freehand Canvas, an online paper sheet that allows you to draw your application with your mouse (this is perfect for design tool novices)
Yes, you can literally sketch buttons, text fields, images, and more by hand on any device and have a mobile application in seconds!
Because no two apps are the same, Yotako lets you select a predefined stack or customize one with your own frameworks, libraries, testing tools, task runner, styles, and more!
After your stack is set, you’ll be able to choose your repository (e.g. Github, Bitbucket, etc.) and receive your ready-to-use source code.
Yotako significantly speeds up the development process, dramatically reduces development costs, and allows you to make faster iterations.