SuiteDash Coupon Code >Lifetime Access 93% Off Promo Deal

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Coupon Details

SuiteDash Coupon Code: Click on the button above and the official site would open in a new tab and the coupon would be shown here. Copy the coupon and apply that while making the payment to get SuiteDash Lifetime Deal.

Make use of the special SuiteDash coupon code above to access discount page and save 93% off your next purchase of SuiteDash by Mike & SuiteDash ‘s Team. Take note that the special offer above is available for a short time only, and may expire at any time. Simply click the button above to reveal and copy your SuiteDash Coupon Discount Code and use it to get your limited-time only deal. Since SuiteDash launched for it’s excellent value, one-time pricing

SuiteDash Coupon Code < Lifetime Access 93% Off

Introducing SuiteDash Coupon Code

SuiteDash is an all-in-one software solution that combines the most common business tools into a pre-integrated, white-label ready platform.

SuiteDash lets you build fully customizable client portals for easy collaboration. It’s completely white-label friendly, so brand away.

Each client only has access to their specific information, and you can post files and documents for them to view or download.

Adding contacts to the portal can be done manually or with a bulk import, as well as an embedded form to draw in new leads.

The Client Circles feature allows you to auto-assign permissions to any file or page, so only clients in a certain predetermined group will have access.

Keep everything under control with SuiteDash’s extensive project management features.

You can structure project templates and tasks in the order they need to be accomplished, letting you zoom through task creation while keeping your priorities straight.

Your files are also organized by an insulated structure, so you won’t be crawling around a huge folder for a missing image like Velma looking for her glasses.

The Private Project Files feature lets you store files in a project location the client can’t see.

You can even remove the Files tab altogether, if that’s what’s best for your project (what they don’t know…).

SuiteDash started way way back in 2012 with an ambitious idea… an “all-in-one” software that would serve the needs of most small/medium businesses.

We were an agency working with hundreds of clients. We needed to manage all those client projects, update our clients, handle invoicing, share files, automate marketing, and all the rest.

But, putting all that together using multiple software solutions was a huge time-suck, a big expense, and most of all a giant PITA! On top of that, nothing was truly integrated, and the branding options left a lot to be desired.

Over the past 8 years, SuiteDash has grown from those humble beginnings into a powerful software multi-tool capable of satisfying the needs of a wide range of businesses.

And, the whole platform can be fully White Labeled!

I’ve recorded a comprehensive ‘walkthrough’ video if you want to see SuiteDash in action. Check it out here:

Also, you can learn a ton about SuiteDash from our fully-illustrated documentation. Follow this link:

So, start exploring, and if you have any questions after looking around, comment below and we’ll do our best to help.

You can also send an email directly to [email protected] or submit a Help Request directly inside the platform.

Q: What is the definition of a Staff member?

A: Your Staff consists of your colleagues, employees and any freelancers that you may work with. Each Staff member will be assigned a Role. In SuiteDash, these are known as ‘Internals’

Read more about Staff and Roles here:

A Team is essentially a grouping of internal users, such as Teammates, Project Managers, and Freelancers. By creating a Team, you can easily group these users together, allowing you to assign all of them to a Project at one time, without the need to assign them separately.

Read more about Teams here:

The limits associated with Staff/Teams is related only to the # of individual Staff users that can exist in your account.


Q: Can I create more than one SuiteDash account using AppSumo codes?

A: Yes, absolutely! Let’s say that you stacked 20 codes. You could max out codes on one account (up to 10), and still have more codes to create additional accounts.

You could create 4 separate accounts using 5 codes each, in which case each account would have the associated limits with stacking 5 codes.

OR, if you bought 36 codes, you could redeem those in batches of 6 and have 6 separate SuiteDash accounts, each of those accounts with the 6 codes max of 50 Staff & 1,000GB file storage quota.

You will need to use a unique email address for each of these redemptions as we enforce uniqueness for Master Admins. An easy way around this is the Google/GSuite email hack like: [email protected] will be delivered to [email protected] And there are other solutions out there that are similar…

You will then be the Master Admin (MA) in these accounts, and therefore will always have the ‘master key’ to each account.

Q: Can I transfer codes between accounts, or somehow move codes later ?

A: Yes, we have now created a tool (live soon) that will let you ‘free up’ codes from an account as long as your # of Staff / File Storage Quota will allow it.

This means you would be able to create multiple individual SuiteDash accounts, and then if you need to ‘re-balance’ them based on your needs, you would be able to do that as long as the accounts stayed within their allowable limits.

(but, understand that it will not let you remove codes from an account if the Staff/Storage are too high. Ex. If you have an account with 2 codes, and you have 6 Staff members added, you would not be able to ‘free up’ a code until you deleted 3 Staff members.)

We will keep our AppSumo redemption path for new account creation open until July 1, 2021 so you will be able to use ‘freed up’ codes to create new accounts until that time. There won’t be any time limitation on ‘moving’ codes from one account to another.

Q: Is the account I get via the AppSumo promotion eligible for your Reseller Program

A: Yes, you are able to apply and become an official Reseller in our Reseller Program. This is completely OPTIONAL.

In our official Reseller Program, we provide you a ‘Reseller Dashboard’ which lets you buy ‘child’ accounts at a wholesale price.

From there, you’re able to control everything in that Child account, set everything up, white label, etc… and then when you’re ready to pass to your customer, you create Admin level users for your customers and ‘pass the keys’ that way.

1. All the white label controls, etc.. and any reference to SuiteDash is hidden from them.
2. You always have control as the MA.
3. You are able to take advantage of our convenient Reseller Dashboard.
4. You are able to take advantage of the powerful Reseller Profiles.

You can use your AppSumo account as the required PINNACLE so that we can enable the Reseller Dashboard, but to add Reseller Child accounts, you’ll be required to put a credit card on file, and you’ll billed the wholesale price of $69/month for each Reseller Child.

If you’re interested in the official Reseller Program, you can start here:

Q: Can I buy extra codes during this campaign and use them later for my future Clients?

A: Yes, we’ve created several tools for you Sumo-lings that will allow you to effectively ‘bank’ as many accounts at these crazy low LTD prices, and then re-purpose them later by offering them as a service/product to your clients in exchange for a monthly/yearly/one-time fee… that’s up to you!

For each account you want to make, you’ll need to do a separate account creation at and on each of these, you’ll designate how many codes you will redeem.

You will need to use a unique email address for each of these redemptions as we enforce uniqueness for Master Admins.

You will then be the Master Admin (MA) in these accounts, and therefore will always have the ‘master key’ to the account.

In the future, you’ll be able to login as MA & White Label these accounts as needed, and then pass these accounts in the future by giving ADMIN level credentials.

1. You will have an option (switch) that only MA will see that will let you hide all of the white labeling controls
2. They won’t know that the account was an AppSumo LTD (only the MA can see billing/subscription related items)
3. You’re the MA so you have the ultimate power. They can’t see you and can’t delete you.
4. If for some reason, you want to take the account back, no problem, you just log as the MA, take control and make them inactive/deleted. Now you can clean the account and use it again if you like.

Pretty Sweet. Downright Shocking.

I watched the intro video and passed. I’d half-paid attention to it, already having something similar. Then, someone I know told me to give it a second look. I’m glad it did! This software is nuts.

I’ve only scratched the surface. I add a bunch of CSS to get it looking the way I want. I set up email, configured the navigation. I still need to do the progressive web app thing, but there’s already an iOS app.

To be honest, I’m surprised this is on AppSumo. AppSumo gets a lot of great software; that’s not a knock. SuiteDash is really feature mature. I’m just used to seeing software earlier in the product lifecycle.

I don’t know if SuiteDash is HIPAA compliant, but they’ve thought through security a bit and give yo controls related thereto. Smart.

Performance is great. I spent a while in the app and didn’t hit any problems.

As far as features go, I can’t think of anything specifically functional that I need right now.

There are some minor things I’d like, but they’re all cosmetic:

1. I’d like more complete documentation of classes for custom CSS. I can use a the dev inspector, but a long list of would save a lot of time. As an example, Ecwid does an awesome job with this.
2. When you upload logo assets, no matter the size, they’re resized to @1x, so they look fuzzy on high resolution displays. I haven’t tested mobile specifically, but they’re fuzzy on my 5K iMac.
3. As a user, I can style everything, but the app could benefit from a user interface audit. There are mixed letter cases — all caps, title case — on some buttons and inconsistent rounding.

This is all minor stuff. SuiteDash Coupon Code is awesomesauce!