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Fiskl is a simple, intuitive platform that makes it easy for anyone to manage finances, be more productive, and drive their business forward.
Running a business 101: You need to get paid.
Fiskl lets you get that ball rolling with clients by creating quotes on the spot. (Quotes can quickly be turned into invoices later.)
Fiskl makes it easy to create, send, and keep track of invoices. Within seconds of finishing a job, you can send a beautifully customized (add your logo!) invoice to a client. (Fiskl even converts currencies for you, so you can stop doing those calculations on Google now.)
Client data from invoices is imported directly from your phone and stored in your account, so you can see which invoices have been paid and which haven’t.
Send an “I need my money” reminder to those delinquent clients with a simple swipe on your device. (No passive aggressive interactions required!)
Keeping track of expenses is just as simple.
Say you need to import details from a receipt for materials, lunch, a new boat, etc. Well, all you have to do is take a picture of that receipt with your mobile device and let Fiskl’s intelligent learning software do the rest.
Fiskl will automatically extract the vendor, date, currency, and total!
What about all that driving you’re doing around town? Fiskl’s smart mileage tracking takes the guesswork out of your mileage logging by integrating with Google Maps and accounting for your preset mileage rates. You’ll get accurate mileage, always.
You can also match your expenses with the tax-friendly categories already stored in Fiskl. Next tax season is finna be a breeze!